Sunday 24 July 2011

My Love

‘So how do you pronounce this?’, She said peeping into the article that I was reading and pointing on the word “Scholes”.  
‘Do you pronounce this as SCHOLES as in s-CH-olar or SCHOLES as in mu-SH-rooms? – I gave her a smile and told her, but at the same time I wondered why football is not a very popular sport with women. Even when the match is on the television, instead of appreciating the awesome volley that Scholes just hit, they would go ooh and aah over the handsome, chocolaty, athletic appearances of these guys.
‘They are hot! No doubt about that, YOU are hitting the gym from Monday!’ – Her voice echoed in my head for some time, but then I washed it all off with a beer and a match with a guy friend.
I visited the The Emirates for the Arsenal vs United match and it was the best day this year for me. To kind of give me company – she – for the first time ever went to a Manchester United Café and Bar in Mumbai. Not knowing any of the players or the rules of the game or any loyalty towards any club, she said after the match on Skype, it was a good match both the sides played well but that yellow card to that xyz player was not fair. She sounded so much into the game. Unexpected!
A little flash back and I am reminded of the day when we were talking about how important it is to give each other some space. She told me she wants to be with her girlfriends, and go shopping and eat out and needs space for herself to be herself. All I asked for was – a free night when a match is on.
Till now no questions asked and no conflicts between her and my love – football. I feel good.