Sunday 24 July 2011

Number 18 at United?

The midfield maestro, who Zidane once described as the best midfielder of his generation, retired post the Champions League final defeat against Barcelona. This brought end to a glittering 20 year career at United.
However, this has left a gaping hole in United’s midfield which is now looking for a creative and ball playing midfielder. Although Sir Alex has himself admitted that it is impossible to replace Scholes, but he is looking for possible suitors.
There have been loads of rumours over the summer but none have yet arrived at Old Trafford. One name which has been ever present is that of the Dutch Playmaker, Wesley Sneijder. Although no official bid has been placed as yet but a move is highly touted in Italy.
Sir Alex just came out with the statement that he is not buying anyone for United’s midfield. This could mean tough times for Sir Alex’s men for the 2011-2012 campaign. With Carrick, who never ticks in big matches, Anderson who still has to prove his consistency, Fletcher who is struggling for fitness, United’s midfield will find it difficult to cope with the likes of Gerrard, Fabregas, Lampard, Xavi, Messi and others.
Although United do have good young talent coming up in Cleverley and Pogba it remains to be seen how many chances they would be given at United, given the inexperience. Also, the signing of Ashley Young might just prove another gem by Sir Alex, as did Chicharito’s. He might chose to deploy Young, who is apparently the new Number 18 at United, in the “hole”. Scholes was a master of playing in the “hole” during his young days when he used to make those trademark darting runs from midfield to the box.
Traditionally a winger, Young showed potential of playing in the “hole” during his time at Aston Villa. However it is too early to say whether he would be able to fit in at United, leave alone be the new number 18!

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